Due to inclement weather the Seneca County Probate and Juvenile Court will be closed today, Thursday February 13.

Representing Yourself in Court (Pro Se)

When you decide to represent yourself, you take on the full responsibility for your case. You need to handle legal questions as well as deadlines, documents, evidence, witnesses, and any other issues that may come up.

You have a right to the assistance of an attorney, and you should consult with them if you have any questions regarding your rights or how you should proceed. The Court may continue a scheduled hearing to provide you time to find an attorney if your request is made prior to the hearing date.

Representing Yourself:
If you choose not to have an attorney represent you (what is known as “pro se”, “for yourself”), you need to understand some basic rules for being in Court. We cannot possibly cover all the legal rules that attorneys spend years learning, but we can give you some explanation of what to expect in general about the legal process.